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The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO

Updated By Cameron On Sep 27, 2022, 2:36 pm

Pokémon GO, a game that is popular all over the world, full of challenges and surprises, makes many users unable to stop. Many people resort to all kinds of tools just to get as many new Pokemons as possible during the day. The best of these tools is iSpoofer. However, recently iSpoofer has been unavailable for some reason.

When you see the "Site Maintenance!" message displayed on the iSpoofer official website, or when you receive the "Your subscription to iSpoofer Pro Plan has been canceled due to the creator deleting the product." email, it's really a bolt from the blue for you if you often use iSpoofer to capture new Pokemons and unlock new items. Looking for other tools similar to iSpoofer has become a top priority for players.

Here, we recommend The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO: AnyGo.Let's learn how to use AnyGo.

The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO

The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO

Part 1: Is iSpoofer Officially Closed?

Currently, if you check iSpoofer's official website, you will see the "Site Maintenance!" message displayed.

  • Whether you click on iSpoofer's official website: https://www.ispoofer.com/; or click on its mobile page:
  • https://www.ispoofer.com/ispoofer-for-pogo-installation/; or click on its PC page:
  • https://www.ispoofer.com/ispoofer-for-pc-windows-and-macos/, they are all in an inaccessible state.
  • In addition, if you are a subscriber of iSpoofer's service, you will also receive an email of "Your subscription to iSpoofer Pro Plan has been canceled due to the creator deleting the product.".
  • All the signs show that the official website of iSpoofer is currently in a state that cannot be accessed normally. When will the iSpoofer website be restored? The jury is still out, and a permanent shutdown is not ruled out.

    The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO2

    Part 2: AnyGo - The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO

    Without iSpoofer, you may ask, are there any other tools like iSpoofer? The answer is, yes. we recommend AnyGo——The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO. AnyGo is an app that can change GPS location on iOS/Android, including iOS 16 Beta & Android 12. Its main function is to fake your GPS location to anywhere in the world instantly for playing Pokémon GO.

    Let's take a look at how it works.

    Step 1 Download and install AnyGo, then double-click its icon to launch the tool.

    The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO3

    Step 2 Connect your iPhone/iPad/Android and other devices to the PC. Unlock the device and "trust" it for a successful connection.

    Step 3 A pop-up window will prompt you to view the map, please click "Teleport Mode" in the upper right corner.

    Step 4 Enter the location name in the search bar or use GPS coordinates to find the target location.

    The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO4

    Step 5 Click on the target location, then click "Move" to set it as your current location.

    Once the phone location change is complete, you can collect as many new Pokemons as possible in the new location. You don't need to go out, you can "arrive" the city you want to go online.Try and enjoy Pokémon GO!

    The Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO5

    Part 3: FAQs about Pokémon GO

    Q1. Has iSpoofer officially closed?

    Currently, if you check iSpoofer's official website, you will see the "Site Maintenance!" message displayed.
    Whether you click on iSpoofer's official website; or click on its mobile page; or click on its PC page, they are all in an inaccessible state.

    Q2. Are there any other apps like iSpoofer to assist in playing Pokémon GO?

    The answer is, yes. Like AnyGo, you can use it to trick Pokémon GO, and change your device's GPS location, so as to help you catch more Pokemons and get more new items.

    Q3. How to use AnyGo to cheat Pokémon GO without getting banned from it?

    In general, it's about convincing Pokémon GO that you're not using a location spoofing program.


  • Close Pokémon GO before changing your location.
  • Do not span long and unreasonable distances in a short period of time when simulating motion.
  • Stand still when grabbing, turning, and hitting.
  • If it's on cooldown, it's best to do nothing.
  • Summary of the Best Alternatives to iSpoofer

    If you've ever loved iSpoofer, you'll love AnyGo——the Best Alternative to iSpoofer for Pokémon GO. It helps you to change the GPS location of your iOS/Android device easily and quickly. Try it now!